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Wishlist function smart and fast, with just one click

View now Mar 22, 2019

Wishlist function

Wishlist function smart and fast, with just one click

View now Mar 26, 2019

Compare function

View now Mar 27, 2019


Easily add content with the shortcodes built-in snippets in our theme

View now Mar 28, 2019

Boostraps 4.0

Bootstrap 4 is the newest version of Bootstrap, which is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites

View now Mar 28, 2019

Deploy to Github

GitHub is an American company that provides hosting for software development version control using Git

View now Apr 9, 2019

Newsletter, Countdown added

Develop the basic functions of an e-commerce store

View now Apr 16, 2019

Product Related featured

View now Apr 18, 2019

Mega menu featured

Megamenu with 4 blocks are built-in, with high customization ability

View now May 2, 2019

Filter function

Powerful and fast Ajax Filter works with product cards, combined with the Price Range, helps customers easily select the desired products

View now May 8, 2019

Cross sell featured

Show more suggestions when customers add products to the cart

View now May 20, 2019

Swatch variant images

Display product images corresponding to each product variant

View now May 22, 2019

Ajax Mini Cart

Designed with a minimalist, user-friendly and the mobile first standard, full display of important information in the customer orders

View now May 25, 2019

Quick view function

View now May 28, 2019

Suggest product, display viewers

Functions to create crowd effects, help your customers trust more when shopping

View now Jun 15, 2019

Recently viewed function

A smart function, designed in the form of a popup, to help your customers find products that have been viewed wherever and whenever

View now Jun 17, 2019

Notify a sold out variant

Notify and suggest customers leave email when the product version has sold out, helping to increase conversions, and collecting customer data

View now Jun 20, 2019

Product video function

You can easily upload *.mp4 files on the store, and add each product by the metafields

View now Jun 22, 2019

BIG UPDATE: Restructuring files and folders

Change the organization of files in the theme to support multi-layout (header, footer,..) and multi-template (product page, collection page,..). The number of layouts and templates are unlimited

View now Jun 25, 2019

To be continued...

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